What is the leading treatment for venereal disease?

What is venereal disease?

Venereal disease is also known as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection. They are transferred to another person with the assistance of sexual encounters. Bacteria, viruses or parasites are the main reasons for causing sexually transmitted disease. They are present in the blood, semen, vaginal or other bodily fluids of the carriers of venereal disease (V.D).In some cases, these infections can be transmitted by others without any sexual contact. When a mother is a carrier of such infections, the baby in the womb can also inherit these infections. Sharing needles can also cause these infections to transfer and create irreparable damage to the person who is contracted. Some of the sexually transmitted infections are benign while others can provide a direct hit to the targeted organs in your body. Without treatment, these infections can affect people. The venereal disease does not spare anyone. People of any age, colour, caste or ethnicity can suffer because a sexual activity or a personal touch plays a major role in its augmentation.

The venereal disease can be considered as the most common contagious disease as it is spreading its maliciousness all around the world. They need immediate ayurvedic treatment for the venereal disease which can help in suppressing the rising complications of the major illness.

In India, some sexually transmitted diseases are very deadly and there is no cure for them. Ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease in Delhi, India can be an extensive help in increasing the rate of survival in these incurable diseases.

What are the signs and symptoms of venereal disease?

Both sexes are at high risk of developing this condition. Engaging in coitus without protection or with an infected person can bring a lot of complications. If one person is infected with venereal disease, then he becomes the carrier of the disease.

As we all know, men and women have different body structures and sexual organs. So symptoms of venereal disease differ if one person is infected. There are some cases where the infected one can not develop symptoms. It can be risky as the disease can spread to other organs also.

Symptoms that develop in men are as follows:

● Feeling pain or discomfort while urinating.
● Having pain during sex.
● Detection of unjustified sores, bumps or rashes on the sexual organs in your body.
● Abnormal discharge from the penis.
● Painful or swollen testicles.

Some of the symptoms can develop according to the severity of the venereal disease.

In women, the disease does not cause any symptoms in the initial stages. When the condition has advanced to its extreme level some of the symptoms become visible. They are:

● Pain or discomfort during sex or urination.
● Sores, bumps or unjustified bruises around the vagina, anus, buttocks or mouth.
● Abnormal discharge or bleeding from the vagina without menstruation.
● Unusual itchiness around the vagina.

Ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease provides medications that help in putting an end to the complications that arise due to these symptoms.

What are the types of venereal disease?

There are many types of infections that can be transferred through sexual contact. The most common venereal disease are stated below:

● Chlamydia: Chlamydia is caused by an evident type of bacteria. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms of chlamydia do not appear in the initial stages when the condition gets more advanced, They include green or yellow discharge from the penis or vagina; pain in the lower abdomen; pain or discomfort during sex or urination. Without treatment, the infection of chlamydia can metastasize and leads to infections in the urethra, prostate, gland or testicles. Pregnant women who are suffering from chlamydia can create risks for their baby to inherit the disease.
● Human papillomavirus (HPV): It is a virus that can transfer from one person to another. Many of the common symptoms of HPV are warts on the genitals, sore throat. Most of the cases of HPV are not cancerous while some of the virus strains can cause cancer more likely.
● Syphilis: The initial stages of syphilis are unnoticeable. It is a bacterial infection. The symptom which can help in identifying syphilis is a small round sore called a chancre. The development of transfer can occur on the mouth, genitals or anus. It is a dangerous infection while it does not cause any pain. Symptoms that develop according to the development of this infection include rash, fatigue, fever, headache, joint pain, weight loss and hair loss.

It is treatable with antibiotics while its infection in a newborn can prove to be severe.

● HIV: It is one of those diseases that damages your immune system. Due to the destruction of the immune system, your body cannot combat foreign infections so it increases the risk of contracting other viruses or bacterias. They can develop cancer without treatment. Then its progression can lead to stage 3 HIV also known as AIDS. Symptoms of HIV are fever, feeling cold all the time, aches, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, headache, nausea and rashes. The initial symptoms of HIV can go away in a month. After that, a person can be a carrier of HIV without the development of noticeable symptoms.
● Gonorrhoea: It is another common bacterial sexual transmitted disease which is also known as the clap. Symptoms of gonorrhoea include:
● A white-yellow discharge from the penis or vagina.
● Pain or discomfort during sexual activity.
● Itching around the genitals.
● Sore throat.

What are the causes of venereal disease?

Causes are the building blocks of the development of the disease. Venereal disease is caused by germs that are hidden in semen, blood, vaginal secretions or saliva. Most of these organisms which are responsible for the diagnosis of VD are spread by sexual encounters. The causes of venereal disease are:

● Bacteria( gonorrhea,syphilis and chlamydia).
● Parasites(trichomoniasis).
● Viruses (human papillomavirus, genital herpes, HIV ).

Sexual encounters play a central role in the transfer of these infections while in some cases skin touch can also infect other people with venereal diseases like hepatitis A, B and C. They require a personal touch or sharing of personal items.

Ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease deals with the causes first to treat the disease from the core.

When to see the doctor?

If you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms or you engage in casual sex encounters then you must go for routine checks ups as these checkups can help you in the detection of the disease.

Ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease is the best treatment that you can opt for as it is a natural treatment that deals with the rising complications and revives the functions that are affected due to the major disease.

Can Ayurveda treat venereal disease?

If a person is diagnosed with venereal disease then immediate management is required. The major health condition can be controlled with the use of anti-infected treatment by following the fundamental principles of AYURVEDA.

Ayurveda believes in discipline. A discipline in all your minute body channels can bring a lot of positive impacts on your body.

Modernization has brought a lot of negative impacts that are creating a string of diseases nowadays. Sexually transmitted diseases are not discussed by their carriers until they progress into a serious illness. Ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease presents you with a detailed combination of ways that provides natural approaches to the treatments.

There are many cases of venereal disease in Delhi as some people engage in unprotected intercourse usually. Sharing needles, using personal items can increase the risk of its diagnosis. So ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease in Delhi, India has provided a path that does not let u undergo painful and harmful treatments. Herbal medications, customised diet charts and natural healing therapies work for the betterment of ayurvedic treatment.

Diet recommendations according to your reports so that the food can provide you with the nourishment you need to combat this disease. The medications that are used in the ayurvedic treatment for venereal disease are all-natural and herbal. They do not cause any side effects and heals the damaged organs in your body. A person with venereal disease can experience a lot of negative judgments from an inhumane society. Ayurveda recommends yoga to ignore all those negative energies and brings peace to your body, soul and mind.
